Chickpeas and Zucchini Curry

Chickpeas and Zucchini Curry

Heart warming chickpeas and zucchini curry.

In the category of comfort foods, for me nothing can compete with a heartwarming chickpeas curry. From the first comforting spoonful to the last, this delightful dish has the power to warm both the body and the spirit.

Filled with plant based protein, healthy fats and carbs, this dish is not only delicious but also extremely nutritious. Besides, it is also super adaptable. You can add a variety of vegetables, sweet potatoes or tofu.

  • Preparation Time: 10 minutes

  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes

  • Servings: 2-3 servings


200 gr chickpeas, canned

1/2 zucchini, sliced

1/2 carrot, sliced

1/2 onion, minced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp tomato sauce or “Fried Tomato” (it gives a delicious taste to the dish and you can find it in Mercadona)

100 ml coconut milk

2 tsp curry powder (adjust the quantity to your taste)

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tbsp fresh parsley

1 tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper

For serving: cooked rice or naan bread


  1. Start by adding the olive oil, onion and garlic to a deep skillet or a cooking pot. Let it sauté for about 2 minutes. Add then the sliced carrots, and sauté for another 2-3 minutes.

  2. Add then the spices and the tomato sauce, and mix well.

  3. Next add the drained chickpeas and let it cook for about 5 minutes.

  4. At last, add the coconut milk and the sliced zucchinis. Reduce the heat and let it cook for about 10 minutes.

  5. Adjust the seasoning if needed, and add the fresh parsley.

  6. Serve it with some white cooked rice or naan bread. And enjoy!


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