Chicken & Salsa Tortillas


Mexican style chicken & salsa tortillas. Easy weeknight meal for a friend gathering.

Easy, quick and absolutely delicious!

One of my favourite (and my friend’s favourite) recipe. These chicken tortillas with spicy salsa, red pepper, sweet corn and of course cheese, are the ultimate dish for a dinner with friends. Perfect option for a party, a picnic or simply to enjoy at home with family and friends.

  • Preparation Time: 40 min

  • Cooking Time: 20 min

  • Servings: 32 tacos


  1. Filling:

    2 large toasted chicken breasts

    1 medium onion

    200gr mushrooms

    1 large red pepper

    2 tbsp salsa dip (spicy)

    2 tbsp sweet corn

    150gr mozarella cheese

    salt & pepper

    garlic powder



    olive oil

  2. Tortilla:

    16 whole wheat tortillas


  1. Cut the chicken breast into medium size cubes and add it to a large zip-seal bag, together with salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and olive oil. Shake it to combine.

  2. Heat a oven pan at 180 C and roast the chicken for about 30-40 minutes.

  3. On a wok, put a little bit of olive oil and add the chopped onion and the mushrooms and let it cook for about 10 minutes. Once it gets a nice golden colour, put it on the side.

  4. On a large bowl, add the mushrooms, the chicken (sliced in tiny cubes), the sliced red pepper, the salsa dip, mozzarella cheese and the corn and mix it well.

  5. Cut the tortillas in half, and pour a table spoon of the chicken mixture in the middle of the half-tortilla and roll it into a cone. Repeat it until you finish all the tortillas.

  6. Once it’s done out it on an oven pan (usually I put a little circle bowl in the middle and then displace all the tortillas around it, in multiple layers, creating a beautiful tortilla tower).

  7. Bake it for around 20 minutes at 180 C.

  8. Let it rest for about 5 minutes, put some parsley on top and serve it with the remaining salsa dip and see how fast the plate becomes empty!



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