Healthy Pancakes w/ Blueberry Jam


Healthy & Protein rich vanilla pancakes w/ homemade blueberry jam.

All time favourite breakfast, guilty-free and delicious.

Who is a pancake breakfast person? Me! I absolutely love to have a nice brunch on Sundays, and it MUST include pancakes. It is such a simple, comfort and delicious dish that I decided to make a little bit healthier version of it. Zero guilt, 100% flavour.

You can choose so many toppings for your pancakes: honey, peanut butter, maple syrup, fruits or jam. Here you can find also a very simple and quick jam blueberry recipe for your topping.

  • Preparation Time: 15 min

  • Cooking Time: 15 min

  • Servings: 6 pancakes


  1. Pancakes:

    1 cup oat flour

    1 tsp baking powder

    1/2 cup vanilla protein powder

    1tsp vanilla extract

    2 egg whites

    1 cup oat milk

    1/tsp salt

    1 tsp coconut oil

  2. Blueberry jam:

    200gr blueberries

    2 tbsp brown sugar


  1. In a bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks.

  2. In a different bowl mix all the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, protein powder.

  3. Then slowly add the milk to the flour, the vanilla extract and then the egg whites and mix it well until you get a homogeneous mixture.

  4. Heat a skillet at a medium-low temperature and add a little bit of coconut oil.

  5. Poor about 1/3 of a cup of the mixture onto the skillet and cook it for about 60 seconds on each side.

  6. for the jam, pour the blueberries into a small pan and let it boil, then add the sugar and keep mixing until you get a thicker consistency. Then blend it on a food processor to get the jam consistency. Let it rest.

  7. Serve the pancakes with the jam on top or with any other topping that you like.



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