Spring Lentil Salad

Spring Lentil Salad

A fresh and nutritious salad, perfect to start the Spring season.

This vegan, nutritious, and easy to make salad will make a perfect lunch/dinner for those warmer days. It is also meal prep friendly, since you can prepare all the ingredients ahead and just heat the lentils when making the salad.
Lentils are a highly nutritious food, it has around 18 grams of protein in one cup. Along with the protein, it is rich in fiber, iron, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Combined with the fresh vegetables and the crunchy sweet potato, it will be a bom both for your palate and for your health.

  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes

  • Cooking Time: 20 minutes

  • Servings: 1-2 person


  1. Cupcakes:

    1 cup of red lentils

    1/4 cup dried tomatoes

    1 cucumber

    1/2 red onion

    1/2 cup red pepper

    1 cup baby spinach

    1/2 cup sweet potato

    1 tbsp cornstarch

    fresh parsley




    garlic powder

  2. Vinaigrette Sauce:

    1 tbsp olive oil

    1 tsp wine vinegar

    1 tsp lemon juice

    1 tsp mustard




  1. Start by preparing the lentils. Place them in a pan and add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Let it cook for about 20 minutes, until tender. Drain the lentils and reserve.

  2. While the lentils are cooking, preheat the oven at 180º C. Cut the sweet potatoes into small cubes, cover with paprika, salt, pepper, the garlic powder, cornstarch and a little bit of olive oil and mix. Bake them for about 20 minutes.

  3. Meanwhile, chop all the vegetables and place them into a deep plate.

  4. In a frying pan, add some olive oil and the thinly chopped dried tomatoes. Then add the lentils and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add the lentils to the vegetables.

  5. Once the sweet potato cubes are nice and crispy, add them to the rest of the salad.

  6. On the side, mix all the ingredients for the vinaigrette sauce, and add it.

  7. You can serve the salad with some fresh parsley and herbs on top.


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