Vegan Carrot & Berries Energy Balls


Healthy Vegan Carrot & Blueberries Energy Balls

A perfect post workout snack made with 100% natural ingredients.

An energy boost snack or a little dessert for when you are having a desire for sweets. Made only with natural ingredients, vegan-friendly, paleo-friendly, sweet, and delicious. These energy balls are super easy to make and ready to go.

  • Preparation Time: 20 min

  • Freezer Time: 30 min

  • Servings: 5 balls (each flavour)


  1. Carrot Energy Balls:

    2 medjool dates, big

    1 shredded carrot, small

    1 tbsp oats

    1 tsp almond butter


    shredded coconut

  2. Blueberries Energy Balls:

    2 medjool dates, big

    1/2 cup frozen blueberries

    1 tbsp oats

    1 tsp almond butter

    shredded coconut


  1. In a food processor blend all the ingredients (separately for each flavour).

  2. Once you get a nice and wet consistency, take some of the mixture and make small even balls.

  3. Then roll it over the shredded coconut.

  4. Put in the the freezer for about 30 minutes and it’s done.

  5. Before eating, take it out of the freezer and let it rest for 5 minutes.


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