Sun-dried Tomato & Hummus Tart

Sun-dried Tomato & Hummus Tart

Sun-dried tomato & hummus tart with roasted vegetables. Cheap and eye-catching dish to impress your friends.

This easy and budget friendly recipe was inspired by pickuplimes.

Perfect as a starter for a dinner with friends or just as a light meal to enjoy by yourself. Made with just 7 ingredients, all vegetarian friendly, this dish will impress your guests both by it taste and it look.

  • Preparation Time: 40 min

  • Cooking Time: 45 min

  • Yield: 1 tart (18 cm)


  1. Base:

    200gr all purpose flour

    100gr butter

    1 egg

    1 tsp salt

  2. Filling:

    1 big onion

    3 garlic cloves

    100gr frozen peas

    100gr sun-dried tomatoes

    1 tbsp olive oil

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp oregano

    1 tsp parsley

    1 tsp paprika

    1/2 tsp pepper

    2 tbsp hummus

  3. Toppping:

    2 courgette

    2 carrots

    Fresh parsley


  1. For the base mix the butter and the flour, then add one egg and salt. Mix until you get a homogeneous dough. Make a ball with the dough, wrap it in a plastic and put in the fridge for at least 30 min.

  2. While the dough is resting, cut the onion and the garlic in small cubes and sauté it with a little bit of olive oil. Once the onions got that nice golden colour, add the frozen peas and the sun-dried tomatoes. Then add the salt, pepper and the spices (oregano, paprika, parsley).

  3. Put all the vegetables in a blender and blend it until you get a nice homogeneous mixture. Add then the hummus and blend it again.

  4. Now that the dough has rested, scrape it onto a lightly floured surface and roll it out into a circle. Then place the dough into a tart form and with a fork make some small holes on the bottom of the base.

  5. Pour the filling into the dough base and spread it evenly.

  6. With a peeler cut the carrot and the courgette into nicely thin and long strips. Then put the strips on top of the filling in spiral, alternating the carrot and the courgette.

  7. Bake it at 180 C, for about 45 min. Let it rest for a few minutes and then it’s ready!



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