Vegetarian Lasagna


Vegetarian lasagna - impress your family and friends with this vegetarian version of the classic Italian dish

A combination of comfort food and restaurant style meal.

Loaded with vegetables, béchamel sauce and of course cheese, this lasagna will impress even the meat-lovers. A great dish to prepare for a dinner or a weekend lunch for your friends and family, and if you have friends that are vegetarian they will really appreciate this dish. It is also a perfect option for a dinner date.

  • Preparation Time: 20 min

  • Cooking Time: 40 min

  • Servings: 3-4 servings


  1. Ingredients:

    8 whole grain lasagna pasta slices

    200ml light béchamel sauce

    1 eggplant

    1 courgette

    150gr mushrooms

    1 medium onion

    1 medium red pepper

    salt & pepper

    smoked paprika



    150gr parmesan cheese

    1 tbsp olive oil


  1. Cut into tiny cubes all the vegetables and sauté them in a wok with a little bit of olive oil, for around 10 min. Then add the salt, pepper, paprika and the oregano.

  2. On a glass baking recipient displace in layers the lasagna pasta, then the sautéed vegetables, a table spoon of béchamel sauce and the parmesan cheese. Repeat this process for 2-3 more times, depending on how thick you want your lasagna.

  3. On top of the last layer pour the béchamel sauce and cover it evenly. Then sprinkle it with the parmesan cheese.

  4. Bake it at 180 C, for about 40 minutes.

  5. Let it rest for about 5 minutes, and then serve with some parsley on top. Bon appetite!




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