Vegetarian Spanish Tortilla


Spanish tortilla with red pepper, carrots and onions.

Try to make your own Spanish tortilla with this easy recipe.

Served warm or cold, this Spanish omelette is perfect for a dinner, lunch to go or a picnic. For this recipe I used a mix of vegetables, but you can try different combinations - bacon, peas, sausage, mushrooms - or just add any leftovers. The best part of this tortilla is the simplicity. Made with only five ingredients, it is so easy to make and so delicious!

  • Preparation Time: 30 min

  • Cooking Time: 15 min

  • Servings: 4 servings


  1. Ingredients:

    500gr potatoes, in little cubes

    1 large onion, sliced

    1 cup red pepper, sliced

    1 cup carrot, shredded

    6 eggs

    olive oil

    mozarella, shredded

    salt & pepper

    fresh parsley


  1. Heat a nonstick pan with a little bit of olive oil.

  2. First, fry the potatoes until golden crispy.

  3. Add the onions to the pan and cook until it gets a nice golden color.

  4. Then, add the red pepper and the carrots.

  5. In a bowl beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Then pour the mixture in the pan and add a little bit of mozzarella on top.

  6. Let it cook in on side for about 5 minutes, then with the help of a big plate turn it upside down, and cook for another 3-5 minutes on the other side.

  7. Remove the tortilla from the pan and garnish with some parsley.



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